2018 Living Well Starts 6:30 pm Tuesday Feb 27

Welcome back to our first Living Well program for 2018! All here at the Living Well team hope you've had a lovely holiday break and a happy and healthy start to the new year.
Our first program for the year is on a very relevant subject to us all... a plant slant on how to reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
Great info, not only for us personally but also for our families and friends.
Look forward to seeing you all and continued encouragment to bring a friend.
Comences 6:30pm Tuesday 27th Februay, then will be run on the last Tuesday evening at 6:30 pm of each month.
Entry by Donation
Bowral Adventist Community Hall
182 Bowral St, Bowral 2576
Contact Julie: juliehiggins737@gmail.com
Owen on 0481210121
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