Christians and Pornography
“A Greater Lust” - Christians and Pornography on 2:30 pm, 20 October The DVD screened will be a repeat of session 3 which a number of you missed.. The series of DVDs is applicable to both single and married men. It is appropriate for youth under parental instruction. Women will find much to apply to their lives and will gain a better understanding of men.
Spring Praise Service
Spring Praise Service - 20 October Invite your friends to accompany you to our church on this day.
Week of Prayer
Week of Prayer 6 -13 October. Pray for this special week in our local church calendar. It commences with a Sunday morning prayer breakfast, and concludes with an Agape Feast on Friday night. The church will also be open between 8:00 am and 10:00 am during the week. Home based meetings will be held each evening Tuesday to Thursday.
Living Life in Full Colour
Nedley Depresion and Anxiety Recovery Program - Life in Full Colour. This highly successful comprehensive 8 week educational program on the subject of Depression and Anxiety Recovery focuses on the underlying and contributing causes of depression and anxiety. An Information Evening for the next Depression & Anxiety Recovery Program will be annouced with a date to follow in 2019.
Bible Study
Vital Verse Bible Study Group 2:30 pm 29 September – study #3. A special presenter will share this important topic based on Daniel 2. All welcome. Vital Verse study sets are available if required. Come along and receive a blessing so you may be a blessing to others.
Signs Magazine
Signs Magazine Sponsor a Signs Subscription Our Depression Recovery Team would love to be able to offer a free one year Signs subscription to everyone who attends our upcoming program. All new subscriptions receive a copy of Dr Darren Morton’s latest book, Live More Happy. If you would like to sponsor a subscription please let Owen know (preferably by email).
Alco-Free Evening
Alco-free Evening 8 September At the Bowral SDA Church. It is essential to pre–book your tickets as numbers are limited. For further details contact Julie -Anne on 0427 229 804 after 5pm or
Special ADRA Relief Offering
Special ADRA Relief Offering September 8 The Adventist Church in Australia will call for a special (additional) drought relief offering. This drought is one of the worst for many years and is affecting most of NSW and parts of QLD. The situation is extremely serious and the country is desperately in need of rain. Please make this a matter of prayer.