Postponement of Living Life in Full Colour Reunion
This event will not be held on 3 September as advertised, but has been re-scheduled for 6:30 pm 10 September. Please confirm if you are attending.
Bowral Adventist Community Hall
182 Bowral St, Bowral 2576
South NSW Conference Regional Meeting
will be held at Bowarl Church on the Sabbath of 18th August. Pr Mike Faber will be the Worship Speaker. A combined Church Lunch will follow.
In the afternoon a program, "Mentoring Young People" at 2:00pm will take place. Rick Hergenhan, South NSW Youth Director will share a one hour seminar on mentoring young people. All are welcome to attend.
Plan to come for an inspiring worship and day of fellowship.
Working with Children Update
Working With Children Legislation Changes There have been changes to the laws around the Working With Children Check that are important for everyone who works or volunteers with kids. Please note the following changes: * Personal details must be updated. Everyone who holds a Check is now legally required to update their contact details, including any name or address changes, within three months – just like your driver licence. And like your licence, penalti...
Clothing & Furniture Needed Winter clothing suitable for a boy 14 -16 years and a girl 10 -12 years is urgently required. Also needed is a chest of drawers and a wardrobe. If you are able to help, please contact Margaret Smith.
Nursing Home Visit Sabbath afternoon August 4, 2:30 pm at The Abbey. Members are encouraged to come along and join in the singing. Be part of this special ministry as we bring joy to the residents. .
“Then the king will say to those on his right, ‘Come, my Father has blessed you! Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world. I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty, and you g...
Sweet and Sour
There will be a Bowral Community Garden working bee on Sunday 27th May 9:00 am - 1:30 pm.
Michael Hyland will show us how to plant a citrus tree and share information about its ongoing care. There is a citrus for everyone’s tastes from sour to sweet.
You will need to be at the garden by 10:00 am. Come and enjoy the warm Autum mornings, friendship and fun.
SNSW Conference Community Involvement Training Materials.
The first video, produced by Cristian Copaceanu from the AUC, is now available at https:// -local -church - training/ Another training video will be provided around August.
Our pastor will be ordained during the Divine Service on 14 April. Church leaders from the South NSW Conference and the Australian Union Conference will conduct this special service. This is an opportunity for us to rejoice in how the Lord has blessed us through our pastor’s leadership. Church will be followed by a combined lunch, so members please remember to bring ample food to share with our guests.