Church Reopens

Church Services Reopen
The church board has met to complete and approve the safety plan that is required for us to reopen Church Services. The board then confirmed that we are ready to reopen Sabbath July 4. This really is good news! We will open with Adult Sabbath School at 9:30am. Our worship service will commence at 11:00am. service. If you will not be able to attend send an inquiry from the 'Contacts' page and a Zoom link to join us for Sabbath School and the church service will be sent to you.
I’d like to extend a special thanks to all who have been involved in helping us navigate and achieve what is needed to reopen. This includes our elders, board members and our team of deacons and more. I praise God for their support and willingness give of their time.
As you’ll understand things will be a little different as we return to church. Please be aware of the points below.
If you have experienced a fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath please stay at home (also in the unlikely event that you’ve travelled overseas in the last month).
We are required to record the name and a contact number/email for every person in attendance each week. Please report to our welcoming team in the foyer when you arrive (we have contact details for most people but still need you to “sign in”).
We are providing for physical distancing (1.5m) wherever possible by spreading pews and providing extra seating in the hallway and hall. Those who are of the same household or “other close contacts” do not need to physically distance.
Because of the challenges of providing for physical distancing we will be holding combined Sabbath School lessons in the church for a while.
Unfortunately, we aren’t able to have congregational singing. Our worship team is finding ways to keep music as a part of our worship.
We’ll continue to use eGiving as the main way to return tithe and give offerings. There will also be collection boxes behind the AV desk for you to place tithe envelopes and cash offerings.
Thanks for noting these things. It will be a little different but the good news is that we can fellowship again.
1 Comment(s)
Hi! My family and I would like to attend your church this coming sabbath. I would like to know if you have sabbath school for juniors n teens?.. thank you ?
God bless.